App Nearly Complete--Tutorials?

After a few days' work, the example app is nearly ready. The SDK is fully integrated and the only work that remains is cleaning up some layout issues. Other than that, the SDK was fairly easy to work with.
I may be making a video tutorial series detailing the process for integrating the SDK for developers who are more visual learners. I know that when I'm learning a new toolset and how to work it into my own work flow, I really like to find videos by the developer detailing the steps. While the integration was pretty easy, I can see spots where people may have questions, and I know that I messed up. I spent about an hour and a half integrating the wrong SDK, only to realize the mistake when I noticed the guide I was following didn't give any steps on how to actually display the ads. Regardless, it's been a lot of fun designing and building the app, even if it is just a simple example app.

I hope that I'll be ready to start making the tutorial series by this Friday!


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