
Showing posts from August, 2017

Xcrypt v2.0 is Live

I should've mentioned in the last post: Xcrypt v2.0 is live! You can acquire it from It's rich with features compared to the first version and it's much easier to use. Encryption is faster, the user has more options for customizing their experience, and it's streamlined. Also, by a happy accident, I made Xcrypt slimmer, even though I expected it to be a little bit bigger. If I recall correctly, it was about 20KB smaller, which may not seem like a lot in this era of HDDs that hold numerous terabytes, but when it comes to an application that runs entirely in the console without any graphics, audio, or other form of media, 20KB is a lot, considering all of that is coming from compiled code. That means less code to achieve the same thing, which means faster execution, though with modern-day processors, that difference will be impossible to notice to our eyes. What won't be impossible to notice, though, is the increase in speed due...

Wrapping Up--Full Tutorial Series

As the internship comes to a close, I've got one last project to wrap up: the full tutorial series for integrating the AdAdapted SDK into an iOS application. All of the video capture is done and all that remains is to record the voice-over and edit the clips. There's not a lot of heavy editing, so I'm not expecting that part to take very long. It's been a wild time. I've learned how to use Android Studio, I learned basics of Swift and Xcode and made an app in Android Studio and Xcode. I've learned a ton and it's been a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to finishing up this project to have a very tangible thing to point at and say, "Look at what I made for this company."

iOS App Update (& No More Popping!)

At AdAdapted today, I finished the functionality of my example app I'm making for iOS, into which I will integrate their SDK. It was fairly frustrating as I'm new to Xcode and Swift and I was running into problems I felt I shouldn't have been having, but it's finished now, so I'm happy about that. Now, I have to integrate their SDK. It seems fairly straight forward and like there's actually less project preparation involved compared to the Android version, and I expected the Android version to be easier. However, now that I've said that, I'm sure I'll find some roadblock that will take me days to get past. In other news, I perfected my smoothing algorithms for my little side project that produces sound files entirely programmatically. It's smooth as butter and quite a joy to listen to.